
Should I wait before investing in case the fall continues?

Timing the market, or time in the market?

After a largely profitable decade, the last two years have been…
Family stock-picking competition

Family stock-picking competition

While moderating the Mary Holm event at the Central…
The Euro is not a real currency yet

The Euro: an unfinished project and why that is important now

This piece is much longer than our normal blogs. We hope…
Trouble in China's economy

China Crisis?

For the past couple of years New Zealanders have experienced…
Do I need Life insurance?

The multiple uses for Life insurance

“Research shows that Aotearoa is significantly underinsured,…
Are banks in trouble?

What’s happening with the banks?

Recent international news about bank failures and near-failures…
Which is better, Active management or Passive investing?

The situation in China – a chance for active managers to earn their fee?

One of the endless debates in the world of investing, is whether…

The bear market ends, so was that it?

After more than a decade of near uninterrupted growth, investors…
Why is inflation bad?

Inflation – is it here to stay?

For those who remember the 1970s, the thought of inflation may…

Property’s not looking so flash, so where should I put my cash?

For decades many Kiwis have relied on term deposits and residential…
Financial wellbeing tips for the new year

Financial wellbeing tips for 2022

Having had more than a decade of steady (and at times spectacular)…
LMS Insure - Gold is Money

Gold: moving from sceptic to a (mild) enthusiast

When people mentioned investing in gold, I’d always thought of line that Warren Buffet apparently gave during a speech to Harvard business students in 1998.
Which produces better returns? Active or Passive investing?

Active versus passive investing: which is better?

The stock market often appears to be a complex and risky place…